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Thursday, February 6, 2014

He's big, smart and has a mouth like his momma.....in that he never stops talking!

   Today was Nixon's 5-year well child doctor's appointment. Yes, he did turn 5 almost 3 months ago, but his 4-year was after his birthday and apparently this one had to be more than a year after his last visit.

    His visit started rough. He didn't want to go get his height and weight checked. Then he didn't want to go into the exam room. Eventually,it all worked out, because I had a bag of tricks ready for him. Plus the exam room had a book he was obsessed with!

   The doctor came in, did his exam and asked a few questions. Then came the most awesome conversation Nixon has ever has with another person....ever! I was almost in tears from laughing so hard!

Doc: *doing the testicular exam* Has this mole changed in size at all?
me: Nope, it's the same size as it's always been.
Nixon: That's because I don't get pee on it from my peenie! That hole is where my water comes out. Then I pee!
Doc: That's good.
Nixon: And I have another hole for poop!
Doc: You do?!? Where is it?
Nixon: The hole is in my BUTT! My poop comes out my butt and pee comes from my peenie!
*I am dying, by this point*
Doc: Does it ever hurt when you poop?
Nixon: Nope! I make big "S"s in the toilet with my poop! I poop a lot!
Doc: So, constipation....not an issue with him is it?!
me: Nope, he's got healthy insides.

Yep, that's my son! Making my laugh so hard I almost cry while listening to him tell his doctor about poop and pee!

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